喜欢玩台球的小伙伴心里都会梦想自己有天能够成为像火箭奥沙利文、丁俊晖那样拥有神操作的台球高手,可是现实...... 这项运动不仅需要精确计算、精准力度把控,还要对局面有充分的预判,一丝一毫的错误判断都会导致路线的偏移,也就是说没有从小的训练是很难做到的。
There are many young adults who love to play billiards and pool, who dreams about becoming a professional player like Rockets O’Sullivan and Ding Junhui. However the reality is that this sport requires precise calculations and control. It is also necessary to fully anticipate the situation and the slightest misjudgment will lead to the billiard ball deviating from its intended route. TLDR: It is difficult to become a pro without training from a young age.