作为初创团队向受众展示项目可行性时,你所陈述的内容固然重要,但更重要的是如何陈述。商业案例 (Business Case) 作为一份业务计划书,用来证明此项目值得投资者投入时间资金和其它资源。即便你的创意具有颠覆性,如果商业案例展示的说服力不足,仍可能导致项目前功尽弃。
When a startup pitches a project to its stakeholders, what is presented is very important, and how it is presented is equally important. A business case shows that your project is worth the investor’s time, money, and resources. A business case that’s not viable will lead to failure of the project, even if your solution is innovative and disruptive.