你能在6分钟内展示什么?如何在路演中脱颖而出,获得英特尔高管评审团的青睐?怎样证明你精心研发的技术具有真正的市场需求并完全贴合英特尔的发展战略?第11期 GrowthX 加速项目的选拔工作正在紧张进行中。在选拔日之前,为了让英特尔的内部创业家们更好地展示自己的项目,GrowthX 发起了为期2天的路演集训营。
What can you pitch in 6 minutes? How can you stand out in front of a jury that consists of top Intel leaders? How can you convey the technology you developed has real market demand and a strong strategic fit for Intel? Selection for GrowthX Batch 11 is intensely underway. To prepare teams for the Selection Day, GrowthX launched a 2-day pitching bootcamp.