来自Intel IoTG 的Li Ruixuan 和Wang Meng 参与了GrowthX 第9期加速营,他们的创新方案是基于AI 技术的智能回收箱,通过辨认入箱物品以更低成本提升回收效率,促进人们回收行为的转变。观看视频了解他们在GrowthX 加速营的创新体验。
Li Ruixuan and Wang Meng from Intel IoTG joined GrowthX Batch 9 with a project of Intelligent Recycling Bin, an AI based solution to recognize the items into the bin which can improve the recycling efficiency with a lower cost and change people's recycling behavior. Watch the video to get a glimpse of their acceleration journey at GrowthX.